“In City Living, I think it's a really great fusion of - we have a great foundation for telling story and we try to guide you toward those stories a little bit better. Rodiek described the feature as “kind of like Opportunities from The Sims 3” and said he believes City Living has a good mix of both game progression and player flexibility. “But it's also not as involved and as minute to minute as active careers from Get to Work.” “It's a nice hybrid of more active gameplay and more integrated story gameplay,” Rodiek said. I had a chance to speak with Producer Grant Rodiek, before The Sims 4: City Living released, about why career assignments were added to the game and what he thinks they bring to the table. Unlike traveling to the physical workplace like in the Doctor, Detective and Scientist careers, your Sim will be assigned specific tasks to complete around the city where you are in full control. The feature allows you to go to work normally where the Sim disappears, but if you’d rather control them directly you can take an assignment instead. Players now have the option to work from home in the political, social media and critic career paths. Get To Work featured active careers and City Living brings career assignments.